Remember Last Summer
It may take weeks, months and even years to make a internet site known. Many people ask themselves, why blog, what’s the sense?
This reaction is based primarily upon the time and commitment it takes to maintain a blogging platform. Nowadays many make money blogging and therein is found their motivation.
Others however take a more 'personal' approach and they base their blog content upon merely helping or serving people! In either case a strong motivation must be found to maintain the constant flow of blog content needed to both attract readers and keep them coming back!
Creating blog content that solves common problems associated with a particular niche reflect noble intentions.
Here is a look of some different reasons or the motivations behind why many blog!

Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.
Share Experience
Sharing you own experiences serves multiple functions insofar as people can learn and/or be entertained by what you share. If you happen to have a good amount of experience to share than this type of blogging platform could be relatively easy for you to maintain!

Sharing an interest or personal passion with like minded people is both an enjoyable and self gratifying experience! Much like having a lot of experience to share, if you are passionate about what you base your blog content on, this type of platform will likely be easy and even a wonderful joy to maintain.
Visitor will also be quite appreciative of the quality of your posts making them even more loyal!
Motivate People
Some people are simply ‘naturals’ at finding the best in others and making others realize their own potential, are you one of them? Having a blogging platform that ‘picks people up’ and gets them motivated is one of the most popular type of sites.
In most cases folks will find not only motivation but will also experience a renewed sense of self esteem making them fell better about themselves.
In turn the motivator also experiences an uplifting feeling due to their ability to make those around them feel more confident and capable.
The first thing you need to decide when you build your blog is what you want to accomplish with it, and what it can do if successful.
Insights and/or opinions are an intriguing way to engage readers since if ‘shared’ correctly, it will be without doubt provoking.

In most cases the people who may ask, why blog, what’s the purpose likely do not possess the commitment to maintain a blogging platform.
This is not a negative but rather a point that it does in fact take time and a strong motivation to consistently create blog content people find interesting. For those who aspire to make money blogging this commitment must be even more stronger!
It simply takes more time to get people to spend money then it does to get them to read free content of interest to them.
Discussed above are some of the most powerful motivations many bloggers use to help them maintain their site!